JRF is Founded

New York, NY

Rachel Robinson, with the assistance of Martin Edelman, Charles Williams & Franklin Williams, honors her husband’s memory by establishing the Jackie Robinson Foundation following his death in October 1972.


Afternoon of Jazz

Stamford, CT

JRF becomes the sole beneficiary of “An Afternoon of Jazz” concert. The concert began in 1963 as a way to raise bail money for jailed civil-rights activists.


First Graduate

Chestnut Hill, MA

The first JRF Scholar, Debora Young, graduates from Boston College. Rachel Robinson is on hand to present Debora her degree.


ROBIE Awards

New York, NY

JRF hosts its first independent Awards Dinner. ROBIE Awards, the Foundation’s highest tribute to an extraordinary individual who has devoted a lifetime to the promotion of social justice and human dignity, are presented to Arthur Ashe and Ralph Ward.


Networking Weekend

Stamford, CT

The first Scholars’ Networking Weekend (now Mentoring and Leadership Conference) is held at the Robinson home in Connecticut.


Alumni Association

New York, NY

The JRF Alumni Association is established. They begin serving as peer mentors and are appointed to regional Selection Committees.


Betty Phillips Adams

New York, NY

Betty Phillips Adams is named JRF’s second President and CEO.


Founders Award

New York, NY

The Founders Award is created to pay tribute to those who gave the Foundation its life. The late JRF vice chair Franklin W. Williams receives the first award for his ongoing leadership, support and loyalty.


Ralph E. Ward Achievement Award

New York, NY

JRF establishes the Ralph E. Ward Achievement Award in honor of Ward’s generosity and personal commitment to JR scholars. The award provides a $5,000 cash grant to the graduating Scholar with the highest grade point average. Gregg Gonsalves is the first recipient.


Alumni join Scholarship Committees

United States

The formal assignment of JR alumni to scholarship selection committees was initiated and the board of directors designates that two seats be held for alumni. John Skipper and Elaine Weddington become the first alumni to hold these positions, thereby integrating alumni into the structure of JRF.


Jackie Robinson Golf Classic

Pacific Palisades, CA


Spike Lee Youth Motivation Award

New York, NY

The Spike Lee Youth Motivation Award is given to the scholar demonstrating the most outstanding community service involvement each year.


Leonard Coleman

New York, NY

Rachel Robinson steps down as Chairman of JRF’s Board of Directors. Leonard S. Coleman, Jr., President of the National League of Major League Baseball, is elected the new Chairman


42 Retired

New York, NY

The nation, led by President Bill Clinton, celebrates the 50th anniversary of Jackie Robinson’s historic entry into baseball. Major League Baseball honors him during a nationally televised ceremony at Shea Stadium by retring his number “42” in perpetuity. JRF launches a $12 million endowment campaign with a $1 million gift from Major League Baseball.

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Steven Brown

New York, NY

August 1998
Steven Brown is named the Foundation’s third President and CEO.

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Starr Support

New York, NY

September 2001
The Starr Foundation awards the Foundation the first of two grants totalling $1.7 million. It was the largest single gift received by JRF at that time and allowed the Foundation to substantially increase the numbers of Scholars served.

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$10 million Milestone

New York, NY

March 2003
JRF reaches significant milestone: The 100th JRF/Unilever Scholar is selected & JRF passes $10 million in scholarship aid.

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Della Britton

New York, NY

January 2004
Della Britton Baeza is named the fourth President and CEO of the Jackie Robinson Foundation. She initiates a strategic plan for the future of JRF to expand its donor base, program offerings, the number of Scholars served, and technological capability.

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Legacy Campaign

New York, NY

May 2006
JRF launches the $42 million Legacy Campaign. The funds that are raised will be used to: build new administrative offices for the Foundation, build the Jackie Robinson Museum and strengthen the Foundation’s endowment.

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New Headquarters

New York, NY

August 27, 2007
JRF opens it’s new state of the art offices in the SoHo district of New York City.

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Rachel Robinson International Fellows

New York, NY

Spring 2008
The first class of JRF Scholars to receive a Rachel Robinson International Fellowship (RRIF), a global initiative to give Scholars the opportunity to travel abroad for community service, travels to Ghana and Mozambique.

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Chairman's Award

New York, NY

January 2011
JRF bestows the inaugural Chairman’s Award. The award recognizes outstanding leaders in the sports industry.

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"42" Premieres

New York, NY

April 1, 2013
The major motion picture “42” premieres. Rachel Robinson and JRF provided counsel during the filming of the movie.


New Chair

New York, NY

October 17, 2014
Gregg A. Gonsalves (JRF ’89), is elected Chairman of JRF’s Board of Directors.

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“Jackie Robinson” Premieres

New York, NY

April 11-12, 2016
Ken Burn’s four-hour film “Jackie Robinson” premieres on PBS. JRF hosts an advance screening followed by a talkback with Ken Burns and Henry Louis Gates, Jr.


Jackie Robinson Museum

New York, NY

The Jackie Robinson Foundation breaks ground on the Jackie Robinson Museum.

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Strada funding

New York, NY

Strada Education Network Announces $6.5 Million Gift to the Jackie Robinson Foundation to Support Expansion of the Foundation’s Scholarship Program and The Jackie Robinson Museum