Jackie Robinson Foundation statement after killing of George Floyd

America stands at a crossroads. George Floyd joins countless Black Americans who, due to systemic racism and discriminatory policies, lost their lives — in plain view, in broad daylight, with blatant disregard for the basic rights of all Americans. If our country’s majority does not choose now to work to correct the gross injustices that persist throughout society, the future is bleak for all of us. Jackie Robinson’s decades-old pronouncement resonates today: “There’s not an American in this country free until each one of us is free.” With allies of all races and backgrounds, the Jackie Robinson Foundation will continue to work to level the playing field in education and in the workplace – and through the Jackie Robinson Museum will pro-mote dialogue that paves a humanitarian path forward consistent with the values for which Jackie and Rachel Robinson stood and fought.

Remembering Willie Mays

Willie Howard Mays, Jr., will always have a special place in our hearts for the magnificence he brought to America’s pastime and for his admirable…

June 21, 2024