Tiffany Yizar

Tiffany Yizar

Senior Manager, Global Research & Development


Tiffany Yizar is a senior manager in global skincare R&D for Unilever. She supports bringing to life new and improved products under the brands Dove and Simple. She has 15 years of experience in fast moving consumer goods, working for multinational food & beverage companies like General Mills and PepsiCo in research & development and factory engineering roles and now working in personal care R&D for Unilever. Ms. Yizar holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering from Brown University and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) from the UCLA Anderson School of Business.

She and her husband are proud spoilers of their dog, world travelers and foodies, she is also an avid gardener and aspires to achieve a zero waste-to-landfill household.